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Why Muay Thai is great for Self Defence
Learn why you should train in Muay Thai to protect yourself
If you're interest in trying our Muay Thai Program please check out our Muay Thai Page
Muay Thai is known by many names across the world, including Thai boxing, Thai Kickboxing, Muay Thai Kickboxing, Muay Boran. Most significantly, it is sometimes called The Art of Eight Limbs. Muay Thai utilises the whole body for a holistic fighting style that combines hands, shins, elbows, and knees. This complete martial art approach characterises the art.
Muay Thai is now one of the most well-known and practiced martial arts in the world. It has proven to be effective, which is why it is most common striking base in the vastly popular, fast-growing sport of mixed martial arts and the practical application makes it perfect for self-defence.
1) It’s one of the most recognised striking styles
Muay Thai is by far the most effective and comprehensive striking art in the world and has a long history. Muay Thai has been tested in competition and real-life situations for hundreds of years, refining the art to be as fast, efficient, and powerful as it can be. On top of that, its consistent testing in combat between highly skilled practitioners has developed every aspect of the art to an extremely high level. Muay Thai is constantly being tested in the Thaiboxing ring as well as the MMA arena against many other arts. It is the staple striking style of many MMA athletes because of it’s effectiveness.
So if you’re looking for a martial art that has practical uses in the real world, then Muay Thai is your answer.
2) It is effective in all ranges of stand-up fighting
Muay Thai is a unique martial art and combat sport developed on the fields of combat. The art incorporates the use of all the limbs with knees, elbows, shins, and hands. This allows the practitioner to use all the weapons available to the human body in kicking range, punching range, and the clinch, making it effective in all ranges of stand-up fighting unlike most other striking based martial arts. So it doesn’t matter where the confrontation starts, Muay Thai has the tools to provide an effective solution!
3) It is simple and easy to learn
While there are hundreds of different techniques in Muay Thai, it is also a martial art known for its raw simplicity. That’s why Muay Thai is for everyone: men, women and children alike. In Thailand, it is actually more common for practitioners to start as young as five or six years old. So no matter your age or fitness level, there’s a Muay Thai class that will work for you. It is important that a Martial Art for self-defence isn’t difficult to perform when under pressure. The violent simplicity of Muay Thai makes it perfect for protecting yourself and your family.
4) Through combat testing it’s effective for self defence
Muay Thai is also one of the few martial arts in the world that has been undeniably battle-tested and street certified for real-life encounters. Although widely regarded as a striking based martial art, Muay Thai also contains throwing techniques, locks, the using of an opponent’s own momentum, and even submissions.
The conditioning of mind, body, and spirit involved in Muay Thai also gives practitioners the confidence needed for real-life self-defence situations. Traditional Muay Thai for Self Defence is known as Muay Boran. Muay Boran is the Traditional Art that Muay Thai was before it developed into a Sport. Muay Thai was made for self-defence and evolved into a sport!
5) It toughens your mind, body, and spirit
The art of Muay Thai toughens your mind, body, and spirit. As the late great Muay Thai Grandmaster Kru Yodtong Senanan once said, “Muay Thai is good for your confidence and inner strength.” On top of enhancing your physical conditioning, Muay Thai builds confidence and promotes discipline of the mind through the control of emotions and feelings. Through the tough training sessions, physical conditioning, sparring and ring competition Muay Thai pushes you both mentally and physically. Muay Thai pushes you past your limits allowing you to realise you can achieve more than you thought possible. This mental preparation helps prepare the practitioner for any confrontation on the street.
To sum it all up, Muay Thai is beneficial for just about anyone and it’s practical effectiveness for self-defence is undeniable. But remember, it is also up to the practitioner to make learning this perfect martial art even more enjoyable and enriching. Even though it is one of the most effective arts for self-defence it is also more than that. It is has many benefits for the student beyond protecting yourself and your family (we’ll look at all the other benefits in another Blog post). So if you’re looking for an effective Martial Art for self-defence why not try out Muay Thai?
If you're interest in trying our Muay Thai Program please check out our Muay Thai Page
So if you’re looking to reap the benefits Muay Thai classes provide,
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Kings Academy is the home of Muay Thai in the Liverpool, Sydney area.
Kings Academy is the Premier Martial Arts Academy servicing Liverpool and South Western Sydney with classes in BJJ (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu), Muay Thai, Boxing, Wrestling, and MMA (Mixed Martial Arts)