Today I will do what others won’t so tomorrow I can do what others can’t. - 0416598211
Welcome to Kings Academy of Martial Arts (Kings Academy). The head of the school is Chief instructor Elvis Sinosic. Kings Academy has a number of instructors and assistants who teach at Kings Academy which can be found on our Instructors Page.
The four styles of martial arts that are taught at Kings Academy are Machado Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ), Muay Thai Kickboxing, Wrestling and Boxing. BJJ is a ground fighting system where you will learn how to control an opponent on the ground, and use armlocks, leglocks, chokes, reversals and escapes. Muay Thai Kickboxing is a striking system where you will learn how to punch, kick, knee and elbow. Wrestling is a grappling art focused on takedowns and controls on the ground. Boxing is known as the Sweet Science and focuses only on the skills of punching. Kings Academy also teaches Mixed Martial Arts (known as MMA is a blend of the different martial arts) and Hot Yoga.
We focus on teaching skills, improving health and fitness and developing a great culture. We value strength of character as much as we do strength of mind and body. We have a great community of students with many different goals, such as building skills, getting fitter, competing and more. Our aim is to help our student's achieve their personal goals along with our goal of building great martial artists and members of our community.
Kings Academy’s goal is for every student to reach the grade of Black Belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu or Black T-shirt in Thai Kickboxing. A student will learn all the physical aspects as outlined in the syllabus and also learn the mental aspects such as discipline, patience and respect. This is to ensure that each person who reaches the grade of Black Belt or Black T-shirt is a balanced and responsible individual capable of passing on the traditions, knowledge and skill of this art.
Our gym motto is "We will do what others won't, so we can achieve what others can't"
To see what values we promote and adhere to at Kings Academy please click HERE