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When you put your child into a Muay Thai program, how will it benefit them?
Reasons Your Child Should Do Muay Thai
When you put your child into a Muay Thai program, how will it benefit them?
Please click if you're interested in having your child try our Muay Thai Kids Prograrm
Muay Thai, also called Thai Boxing, is now a very popular sport worldwide, and for a good reason – it is an incredibly effective way to get in shape and stay healthy. Muay Thai is similar to Kickboxing but incorporates more skills, such as clinching, knees, elbows, and more. Muay Thai has a strong history and tradition. But what many people don't know is that Muay Thai is also an excellent choice for children! This article explores why Muay Thai is an amazing sport for children. Read on to discover more!
Involving your children in extracurricular activities is often a great idea. They’ll pick up a useful skill, they’ll be more active, and they’ll finally get off the tv/gaming console/social media/etc.
Some parents worry that Muay Thai will make their children violent and even turn them into bullies, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. In reality, your child will develop character, attitudes and skills that will make them less likely to develop these negative traits. Muay Thai has many benefits, and, in this short article, we’ll break down why martial arts should be your child’s first extracurricular activity.
1) Muay Thai builds character
Now some parents worry that if their child practices Muay Thai, he/she will become aggressive. However, aggression is the exact opposite of what Muay Thai teaches. Muay Thai isn’t just about teaching fighting techniques, there are also many valuable moral lessons that are learned on the mat.
Muay Thai is about not about using brute force to defeat an opponent. It’s about using skill, focus, balance, self-control, and, most of all, integrity.
One of the first things Muay Thai will teach your child is respect. Respect towards authority figures like his/her instructors and teachers at school, respect for elders, and respect towards his/her peers. Martial arts like Muay Thai employ bows to show respect. Through sparing, your child will learn how to properly defend himself/herself from bullies or others looking to cause harm if the need ever arises.
Through Muay Thai, your child will come to understand that having power and exercising it comes with responsibilities and consequences, that he or she will learn how to avoid unnecessary conflicts.
2) Muay Thai teaches self-discipline
The second most important lesson martial arts teach is self-discipline. To practice martial arts, especially physically challenging ones, you must commit yourself fully — both mentally and physically. Through methodised training, children will not only learn techniques and forms, but they will also learn to focus and train hard or risk falling behind their peers.
Instructors will spur them on and give them a sense of accomplishment for every technique they learn and every obstacle they conquer. This nurtures a winner’s attitude, and it teaches the child that if he/she works hard enough, anything can be accomplished.
3) Muay Thai helps improve coordination and balance
Muay Thai is a great sport for kids because it helps improve coordination and balance. Muay Thai is a type of martial arts that combines boxing and kickboxing. Because Muay Thai requires the use of all four limbs to execute punches, elbows, knees and kicks, it helps to improve coordination and balance. In addition, Muay Thai helps to develop strength, stamina and flexibility. All of these benefits make Muay Thai an excellent sport for kids.
4) Muay Thai makes your child fit and healthy
Muay Thai requires a lot of effort and physical training, which increases your child’s fitness levels and leads him/her towards a healthier lifestyle. If you don’t want your child spending hours in front of the TV or computer screen, signing him/her up for Muay Thai training might just be what you need to get him/her off the couch.
Also, Muay Thai training improves your child’s motor skills, and it helps him/her to focus. It can be very therapeutic for children with attention disorders like ADHD.
5). Muay Thai builds confidence
As your Child starts seeing their balance and co-ordination improve as well as their fitness increase their confidence in themselves will begin to grow. As they learn the difficult skills of Muay Thai, as the progress in their training and see their ranks climb their belief in their abilities will grow. This will continue to push their confidence in their abilities and more importantly in themselves even further. A more confident child is a happier child who will face adversity with determination rather than concern.
This increased confidence in themselves will reflect in other areas of their life such as school, relationships, other sports and more. You’ll see your child achieving more than you may have anticipated.
The other benefit of increase confidence will be that bullies will shy away from your child. Bullies look for shy, withdrawn children they feel they can intimidate. Your child will not only be confident but will not be easily intimidated by bullies, something all parents want for their children.
6) Muay Thai cultivates Socialisation
Children will also learn social skills at the Muay Thai Gym and develop friendships and camaraderie with their training partners. These social skills help them build confidence as well as the ability to interact with other Children and Adults. Social Skills are sometimes highly undervalued and be the difference between a happy and well-adjusted child and not.
As you can see there are many benefits to Muay Thai training for your child. These benefits are physical, mental, spiritual, and social. You will see your child grow and become a happy well adjusted teen and eventually an adult with confidence to go and achieve whatever they desire. Why wouldn’t you want your child to train Muay Thai and gain these benefits?
Please click if you're interested in having your child try our Muay Thai Kids Prograrm
If you like to book in a week free trial please click HERE!
What if Muay Thai isn’t for your child, what other options are there?
Finding the right martial art for your child and ensuring the best experience possible
Before you enlist your child in a martial arts training facility, there are some things you should do first to ensure your child has the best experience possible. At Kings we have Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ), Muay Thai, Wrestling, and Boxing for children.
First, find out what kind of martial arts your child might be into. Different martial arts offer different programs and teaching styles which will deliver different skills and benefits. If they are unsure, the best thing to do is have them attend a trial class so they can experience it for themselves to see how they like it. At Kings we offer a week free trial allowing your child to try all the different styles and classes.
Once you’ve signed your child up for classes, make sure they are well-prepared for each class. Lots of rest is conducive to good training, Ensure they’re eating well with healthy whole foods staying away from junk food as much as possible. This will ensure they’ll have plenty of energy for their sessions.
Also make sure any necessary training equipment is packed as well as ample amounts of water.
Remember to offer lots of support and encouragement. Children always look to their parents when they’re struggling, so be sure to be there for your child. A parents interest in their activities can be as important as the activity itself.
Keep encouraging them to keep coming to training and to keep working on getting better.
Children learn many valuable things when they attend martial arts classes. To recap, by practicing martial arts, children will not only lead healthier lives, they’ll also learn important life and moral lessons. Your child will be more respectful, confident, disciplined, and temperate.
Martial arts training is especially beneficial for kids with attention disorders, socially awkward kids, competitive children, or children who simply need an outlet to release their excess energy. Martial arts training will give your child the outlet they need to work off surplus energy while learning how to focus their mind.
Kings Academy of Martial Arts is the premier Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Academy Servicing Great Western Sydney with classes in BJJ (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu), Muay Thai, Boxing, Wrestling and MMA (Mixed Martial Arts)