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Ten Reasons to Start BJJ
Why you should start training NOW!
If you're interested in BJJ classes please check out our BJJ Page
Always wanted to train in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ)? Not sure why you should take up the Jiu Jitsu lifestyle? Want to know why BJJ is a great activity to take up? Want to know the benefits you’ll gain from getting on the mat? Well here are 10 great reasons to get started!
Reason #10: It’s never too late to learn something new. Sure, it would have been better if you had started earlier, but you are here now — There is no time like the present to do something for yourself. Why wait? You’re only going to get older, slower, and weaker so make the most of what you have now and get on the mat!
Reason #9: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu teaches you mind-body awareness in relation to training with an opponent. It will help you get comfortable with your body while dealing with someone else’s. You’ll start understanding what your limits are and how you can break through them. You’ll start to appreciate that you’re capable of a lot more than you thought possible. You’ll do moves you never imagined, and you’ll have fun doing it!
Reason #8: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu seems to incorporate a lot of unintentional yoga. When wrestling you’ll be put in lots of positions, you’d never be able to achieve in Yoga class by yourself. You’ll be stretched, twisted, and manipulated like you could only dream to achieve in a Yoga class. You’ll feel like you’re getting a free Chiropractic session every class!
Reason #7: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu teaches you to commit 100%. There is no half-way or being a little bit motivated. Decide and commit to what you’re doing. When you’re doing BJJ if hesitate you’re finished. You need to commit to your moves to be successful. This a great lesson for everything you do in life. Within success lies the need for commitment.
Reason #6: You learn a lot from your training partners. You’ll learn the value of always having a game plan or strategy. This idea of knowing what you want to do will help you on the mat and in life. That way you’re not waiting for your partner so you can commit to what you want to do ( See Reason #7 ). You’ll learn about action and reaction. You’ll be able to build strategies based on what you want to do and know what your partner is likely to counter with and be ready with a solution. It creates forward thinking and improved technical development as you go deeper into the action/reaction paradigm.
Reason #5: In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu you don’t need to assume your opponent will always be stronger, faster, or bigger than you, sometimes they will be, sometimes they won’t. You can’t strong arm Bigger students or bulldoze your way to a submission with senior students. You must practice your technique and beat them at their own game. This will make you more technical and give you great understanding of position, leverage and timing which can overcome speed, strength, and agility.
Reason #4: Train with the best. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu isn’t something you learn by reading a book, watching a video (although that can help) or through osmosis. You must practice and train with experienced teachers. Make sure you turn up for class, make sure you get on the mat. Show up for open mat and practice new moves, refine old moves, have fun, and socialise. Schedule private lessons to help accelerate your learning or if you’re feeling stuck.
Reason #3: It’s fun. Plain and simple. And fun is always good. It’s also a great way for you to take care of you. There’s no better mind therapy than trying to figure your way out of your opponent’s half-guard or to escape mount. BJJ isn’t called physical chess for nothing. It’s the technical application of your physical attributes and skills against an opponent’s where it’s the ultimate victory, submission over your opponent. There’s no time to think about what happened at work when somebody has their arms wrapped around your neck and is trying to make you submit. When you’re in BJJ class it’s your time and for a short while the rest of the universe ceases to exist.
Reason #2: You’ll make friends. It’s a crazy idea but as you’re trying to make each other submit you’ll build respect for each other! There’s a certain comradery that’s unique to Combat sports. Because it’s so challenging and at times confrontational you can’t help respecting the others who are standing in front of you. You’ll appreciate and share a passion for a fun and exciting activity. You’ll develop friendships that last as long as you train (thankfully it’s a sport that you can take with you throughout all stages of your life). You’ll be sharing YouTube videos and trading instructional videos in not time!
Reason #1: Practicing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a major leap outside your comfort zone. It’s challenging both mentally and physically. Besides some bumps and bruises you won’t hurt yourself or anyone else, the key is to train smarter, not always harder. You’ll learn about economy of motion, always being prepared for the worst while going for the best, you’ll learn there’s a counter to every move and a move for every counter. The longer you’re in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu you’ll understand the saying “The more I learn, the less I know”. This challenging aspect will keep you coming back for more.
If you're interested in BJJ classes please check out our BJJ Page
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Kings Academy is the Premier Martial Arts Academy in the Liverpool and Greater Western Sydney region with classes in BJJ (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu), Muay Thai, Boxing, Wrestling and MMA (Mixed Martial Arts)